Get Involved
The Journey offers numerous engagement opportunities all designed to foster friendships and build lasting relationships.
Find Friendships and Build Lasting Relationships
Our goal at The Journey is for you to have the freedom to be as involved as you would like. We have a wide variety of groups and other ways to be together and participate as well. We are here to help you in whatever way is best.
Open Table Groups
These are groups that are open to anyone to join, whether it is their first week at The Journey or they’ve been attending for years. These groups meet once a month for an enjoyable gathering around a meal with other people. There are a variety of groups that you can join if you wish.
Community Gatherings
Come early before the service or stay after the service and have some food and coffee. This is a great time to meet people and talk to friends.
Annual Events
We have the Agape Feast in the spring, Pancake Breakfast in the summer, and our Pie Day (pictured here) in the fall. These all involve meals & getting to know each other.
Care Minister Teams
Care Ministers are the servant leaders of The Journey and we believe everyone can become a servant leader. We invite you to join and find a place to belong. This is an organic group that provides participation to help the pastors serve the church as a whole. These groups meet once a month.
Theology on Tap
Meets the third Monday of each month @ 7:00 p.m. @ Bar Elevate on the northeast corner of 120th and Federal. The aim is to discuss God in an open forum that allows freedom of thought, opinion, and a dialogue about issues of faith. Join us for something to eat or drink (if you would like) and conversations about issues of faith.
Compassion Opportunities
To see ways in which you can help us serve others in our community, view our Compassion Opportunities Page.
Other Ways to Be Involved:
As a church that is meeting in a school, we need to bring in and set up/tear down everything needed for our service each week (sound equipment, food, signs, kids’ church and nursery items, etc.). This provides many opportunities to be involved by joining us in the camaraderie of doing this work together each week. We also have other ministries within the church where you can be involved.