Series: Emotionally Healthy Choices
Michael Noel
March 5, 2017
Speaker: Michael Noel
Topic: Choices, Emotional, Forward, Healthy, Hope, Moving, Perseverance, Wall
Book: Romans
Sometimes in life we hit a wall and are unsure… read more
Romans 5:1-5
February 26, 2017
Topic: Choices, Emotional, Healthy, Self-Aware, Strengths, Weaknesses
To make good choices in life requires a level of… read more
Romans 12:3-6
February 19, 2017
Topic: Choices, Emotional, Healthy, Heart, Living, Regret, Regrets, Whole, Wholehearted
Book: John
Even when we make wise decisions, our emotions can cause… read more
John 20:19-21